by m0xtd | Feb 26, 2016 | ARISS
The ARISS UK Operations team are delighted to announce that the ARISS Schools contact for the Powys Combined Schools has now been confirmed for Saturday 5th March 2016 at 1053UTC with Tim Peake on the International Space Station. This contact will be webcast on the...
by m0xtd | Feb 17, 2016 | ARISS
NOTE UPDATED CONTACT TIME The ARISS UK Operations team are delighted to announce that the ARISS Schools contact for the City of Norwich Schools has now been confirmed for Friday 26th February 2016 at 1440UTC with Tim Peake on the International Space Station. This...
by m0xtd | Feb 12, 2016 | ARISS
One of the things that Radio Amateurs worry about, especially when tracking satellite in low earth orbit, is whether the antennas are really pointing in the right direction. Yes, we use computer controlled equipment that interfaces to the antenna rotator...
by m0xtd | Feb 12, 2016 | ARISS
At the ARISS Schools contact with the Royal Masonic School for Girls on Thursday 11th February 2016, HamVideo signals were received showing Tim Peake answering the questions put to him by the girls at the school. This was the first time that the HamVideo system has...
by m0xtd | Feb 12, 2016 | ARISS
The complete video of the ARISS Schools contact between at the Royal Masonic School for Girls in Rickmansworth GB1RMS, and Tim Peake GB1SS on board the International Space Station is now available on the ARISS UK Team’s YouTube channel. This was an amazing...
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