About the ISS
There is a lot of information and videos about the ISS available – here are just a few:
- Keep up to date with the very latest ISS news with the NASA ISS blog
- A great tour of the ISS including a full explanation of the most asked question!
- The first of a series of ESA videos explaining the journey to the ISS on the Soyuz spacecraft.
- This site gives real time data on the ISS orbital position and pitch and attitude.
- When can you see the ISS? Find out with NASA’s SpotTheStation
The Principia Mission
There’s a lot of information available about Tim’s mission:
- Keep up to date with what Tim is doing in space with his ESA / UKSA blog
- Make sure you follow him on Twitter
- And follow his Flicker page for his awesome pictures
- Great video introducing Tim’s mission
- The UK space agency Principia mission web site is a great place to start.
- Play list for all UKSA Principia Mission videos
- And the European Space Agency ESA Principia pages have lots more information.

Experiments and Activities
- The BIG experiment to join in with is Astro PI!
- The National STEM centre has loads of great things to do based around Tim’s mission
Listen and watch the ISS
Even if you are not at a school where the contact is happening you will be able to watch and hear everything by going to our live streaming page You can track the ISS and watch our dishes move on the ISS dashboard Also it is possible to hear the contacts taking place, this can be done in many ways including listening to the live downlink on 145.800 MHz using an SDR, scanner or amateur radio FM receiver or using a web SDR such as http://websdr.suws.org.uk And you can watch detailed analysis of the Digital TV signal live as it is received at Goonhilly and our local receiver on site at school.

ARISS contact videos
Video from our first contact at Sandringham, school, St Albans on 8th January 2016