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New YouTube Channel for the UK ARISS Team
The UK ARISS Team are pleased to announce that the video of the Sandringham School has been made available on the "ARISS UK Team" YouTube channel. Over time, we will update this channel with videos of all the UK contacts that we have. Enjoy !
Sandringham School ARISS Contact – Details of events on Friday 8 January 2016
Sandringham School in St. Albans is due to take part in the first ARISS contact that Tim Peake will have with UK schools this Friday, 8th January 2016. The ARISS team in the UK have been working with the school and the following are the details of the event with...
Sandringham School in St Albans to host contact with Tim Peake
With Tim Peake now on-board the International Space Station and, judging by his tweets, fully enjoying his first couple of weeks, ARISS in the UK continues with its planning for the first of the schools to make contact with Tim via the Amateur Radio station on the...