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Video of the ARISS Contact between CNS Schools and Tim Peake
The complete video of the ARISS Schools contact between the City of Norwich Schools GB2CNS, and Tim Peake GB1SS on board the International Space Station is now available on the ARISS UK Team’s YouTube channel. The video can be seen here. 73s Ciaran M0XTD
Powys Combined Schools – ARISS Contact confirmed.
The ARISS UK Operations team are delighted to announce that the ARISS Schools contact for the Powys Combined Schools has now been confirmed for Saturday 5th March 2016 at 1053UTC with Tim Peake on the International Space Station. This contact will be webcast on the...
City of Norwich Schools – ARISS contact confirmed.
NOTE UPDATED CONTACT TIME The ARISS UK Operations team are delighted to announce that the ARISS Schools contact for the City of Norwich Schools has now been confirmed for Friday 26th February 2016 at 1440UTC with Tim Peake on the International Space Station. This...